Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Last One Down the Aisle Wins...

While busy at work my mom called me, as she always does, to inform of the new, latest and greatest "must- read" book she saw on some TV show I'm sure I'll never get to watch because I'm destined to work from 7:30am to 4pm for the rest of my adult life. Sigh...(Ok, ok I'm being a little dramatic, as you will learn I'm from time to time.) The book is entitled "Last One Down the Aisle Wins: 10 Keys to a Fabulous Single Life Now and an Even Better Marriage Later" by Shannon Fox and Celeste Liversidge. I have yet to go to the bookstore to get it but the title alone has been rolling around in my head for days now. As you may have guess by now, I'm single and presently enjoying it although I can't say the same for some of my single friends who assign singleness as a social plague, moping around like they have a life-threating illness. But, it does seem like I have suddenly gain entrance to yet another phase in life where one by one my travel amigos and partners in small shopping crimes (as Rachel Zoe likes to refer to it: that being spending way too much money of course) seems to be either married, planning to get married, or fantasizing about marriage. Don't get me wrong. I use to sit around thumbing through bridal magazines, planning my very classy, chic' white dress event also. But, some where between recovering from getting my heart broken and the passing of the  only man I ever truly loved and that loved back, I honestly don't think of my white dress event very much. (I'm sure this will change when I start to feel that I have met the perfect well-tailored suit of a guy.) But, I said all of that to say... stay tuned as I give you updates on my thoughts from the book.

2 Share Your Thoughts:

Anonymous said...

I saw an article on this... and the review for the book! I'm trying to be the "last one".
Cause I really feel like I'm "winning" in life... I really have very few regrets, and no regrets when it comes to dating. Yes, it can be uncomfortable at time to STILL be single, but I've learned so much about myself, and matured SO much since I thought I was "past the bloom of youth" that I couldn't imagine marrying 10 years earlier. You are NOT alone!

Unknown said...

I remember those days of you chic, with every Watchtower and Awake on marriage, bridal mags. It all made me throw up. So glad you have changed a little. Don't forget you will always have me around. I still have some good years left in me. (Your welcome in advances, because I took the time to read this blog, now I have a headache from reading so much) XOXO Jess

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